11:00 AM
220 20 St
Fort Macleod, Alberta
Contact Us:
Phone: 403-553-3072
Rev. MiYeon Kim
For Kids!
Here at Trinity, we have Children’s Sunday School available every Sunday.
About Trinity United Church
Mission Statement
To Glorify God by Living the Christian Faith
Vision Statement
To Mirror God’s Love by Living God’s Love
In 1874 the northwest Mounted Police arrived at Fort Macleod. Missions for the Anglican and Methodist churches followed soon after. With the creation of the United Church of Canada (Macleod), Methodist Church became the United Church later renamed Trinity United Church. The current structure was built in 1966. An adjoining hall, built-in 1993, features a gymnasium, stage, and certified kitchen. The manse, a modern bungalow, was built in 1980.
Who We Are
We are a vibrant and dedicated community of faith practicing love rooted in the example of Jesus. Our worship services are intended to help members of our community find meaning and feel closer to God. We are so privileged to have a dedicated choir. Many extra hours of practice have gone into special presentations such cantatas, Christmas Carol Festivals, and “A History of the Hymns” production.
Worship services are held on Sunday morning at 11:00 AM and we welcome everyone – seekers, visitors, and newcomers.
Sunday School
Services include a children’s time during worship when the children enjoy a bible story, dancing, and singing with Rev. Kim. The adults enjoy this time as much as the children do! From there, the children go to Sunday School to learn discipleship through Bible study, prayers, crafts, games, and more.
We have communion following the liturgical season. At the communion table, we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the host and all our guests. The meal uses the symbols of small pieces of bread and a taste of wine or juice to remind us of Jesus’ last supper with his followers and of God’s enduring love. Therefore, everyone including children is welcome at the table of Jesus Christ.
Woman’s Group
We have an active woman’s group, Women in Fellowship(WIF). WIF meets monthly except for July and August. Their meetings involve various activities such as Bible study and hosting an early December Ladies Luncheon for all ladies of the church.
We are a congregation committed to living our faith in pastoral care and outreach. We offer lunch (usually potluck) following the worship service on the last Sunday of the month except for July & August.
Currently, our ‘one excellent mission’ is Meals That Heal. Meals are prepared at the church and are delivered to new mothers, shut-ins, and anyone who is temporarily unable to prepare their own.
We host community members of our town through regular fundraisers including a turkey supper in November, roast beef supper in March, spaghetti supper in January, rummage and bake sales spring and fall, and the sale of Memorial angel for the Advent tree. Christmas cakes and puddings are prepared in the church kitchen by women for the annual community craft and Bake Sale held during the Town’s annual Santa Claus Parade.
We actively support the Canyon Church Camp in Waterton National Park. Canyon Church Camps offers great activities including spiritual & nature classes, crafts, and hikes nurturing both body and mind of its campers.
The contributions made to our church, whether time, talent, or resources are an integral part of what keeps us alive and well. Being actively involved creates new friendships, reinforces old ones, and builds a foundation for the fellowship we enjoy.
We are confident that, with God’s guiding hand, we will enjoy a thriving and progressive future just as we’ve enjoyed our long history here in Fort Macleod.